Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tidbits from Zoo Day

I can't believe it's only 3:30. Tidbits:

  • In a visit to the dark, stinky Mouse House, one student loudly proclaimed, "I want to sleep here."
  • We saw a python eating a rat.
  • It rained nearly the whole time. Which prompted nearly synchronized outbursts of "umbrella, ella, ella, etc." on a few occasions.
  • One kid was sort of the grandpa from Forget Paris on the bus, and he kept reading signs and commenting. Endearing.


  1. Brave Bunny observes the multiple and striking talents and skills of this first grade class. As presented in the last 2 blogs, the children undoubtedly have learned the basic tenets of infectious disease as first explained by Lister and Pasteur, satire--as shown by the child in the Mouse House, musical harmony--as noted on the bus, and a desire to read, teach, and entertain. In fact, on several past occasions, Brave Bunny himself has barely been able to suppress the desire to read and comment on road signs.

  2. Forget Paris=awesome. That grandpa character cracks me up. Not as much as your blog, though.

  3. kids are something always a surprise...
