Monday, August 17, 2009

Oil Spills, the book

We have day-long meetings these days, and it's hard for me to sit still. I've tried weighing myself down with boxes, and that helped somewhat.

But today we got to read new books. Mine had a sad otter on the front. It was tragic.

It's a hilariously not-so-age-appropriate book about oil spills, with a clear political bent. So sad! Apparently there's an oil spill a day somewhere. And if I learned anything from Saved By The Bell, it's that ducks don't like oil spills and it's sad for everyone.


  1. that indeed was a very sad otter--but from brave bunny's viewpoint, anything that espouses the preservation of the environment is uncontroversial and fairly apolitical.

  2. I yearn to know more about this book! As the mother of one Super Otter, I am deeply empathetic already. Sad on the cover, yes, but I trust he/she doesn't bite the dust -- uh, er, sludge.
