Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bathroom Privileges for Grown Ups

Spring break is over. 

I tend to get preparation anxiety stress on Sundays, but this week it's worse than usual. Getting back to the grind, for teachers, means having to regulate your liquid intake in ways that you wouldn't expect. One of the major stressors involved in teaching is not being able to pee.

It's something you don't consider when you're a kid, squirming around and raising your hand, waiting to be allowed to use the bathroom. Teachers can't just go when we need to. Oof.

Teaching's not the only job like this, for sure. Bus drivers, I always thought, had it rough. Maybe they wear Depends? Maybe I should...


  1. Sunday evening can be very stressful, particularly the Sunday after vacation, as one's freedom and even sleep hours are curtailed. Brave Bunny particularly remembers the stressors when he was a young kitten, and still has twinges of anxiety. Judicious timing of fluid intake and perhaps conservative use of caffeine will often take care of urinary frequency though.

  2. You better be careful with an adult diaper decision. You don't want to end up like that crazy astronaut who drove to Florida without every stopping for a bathroom break.
